This title may be a bit ambitious, a triumphalist embrace of hope over experience?  But it’s time for the effort to be made.  

With the help of my former colleagues at Dechert, notably Will Cejudo (me being the former, not him), we have proposed a new bill (need a catchy name…help, please) to amend the hoary

Last week I talked about the Grand Bargain to fix our business.  If we’re fixing to fix our business now, we’ve got to talk REMIC.  The Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (REMIC) created as part of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 was an enormous boom to the commercial real estate industry.  It facilitated the

Let me begin with an apology for not being in print for a while.  All that Ho-ho-ho-ing and a lot of mulling over this particular commentary is to blame.  Today, with writer’s block behind me, this commentary is about acknowledging and considering addressing dysfunction in our industry.  

The CRE securitization business never quite seems to reach robust

Hello, All.  The Golden Turkeys are back again – in my first post-Dechert effort.  That means I have fewer folks to help me come up with brilliant ideas and even fewer folks to edit my really bad ideas.  So, bear with me while I personally compile my list of things which annoy, amuse or confound me at CrunchedCredit

I’ve been thinking recently about responsibility and intellectual courage.  It started with my plumber  (Note:  Great title for my first novel): “It’s not my mistake and frankly, it’s the wells guy’s job” that reminded me of the line, apocryphally attributed to President Clinton, but actually (most) of the lyrics were from a 1968 hit by the Delphonics:


The way we regulate rarely works terribly well for the regulator or the regulated.  Yet, we keep doing it the same way…a subspecies of insanity to be sure.  

As an example, has anyone out there in CRE land taken a gander at the new Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (CAMT) proposed rule?  This little gem comes to us

As many of you, perhaps most of you know, I retired from Dechert LLP at the end of June .  As Monty Python once said, “I’m not dead yet.”  I will continue to be an active participant in our industry through my investment vehicle, Jackstay Ventures LLC, and in other ways.  You will all continue to see CrunchedCredit”

I really don’t want to talk about ESG.  (Actually, I do but pretend I don’t to bolster my well-earned reputation for balance…Hah!).  ESG is so politically fraught…one person’s lodestar is another shibboleth.  Tribal totem of the left and right!  You get on the wrong side of this amongst the majority of the chattering class (e.g., any whiff of failure

If it really didn’t matter, all this electioneering drama would be good fun, wouldn’t it?  Throw in some sex and a car chase and this would work on Netflix!  Regrettably, in the real world, it is less than entirely amiable.  

It is probably true that most of us are anxious as the election carries so many notes

Last year, I wrote a commentary entitled Contagion.  That commentary was inspired by the early days of the meltdown of the crypto currency market (long before SBF made the whole space way more notorious with a whiff of polymorphous titillation and the reveal of sad politicians now bereft of a future income stream).  The crypto mess