This is our fifth annual Golden Turkey Awards at CrunchedCredit. It just gets easier and easier. There are simply so many worthy contenders for an award this year. You know, we don’t stop and take a moment often enough to just say thank you to our government and its enormous regulatory apparatus for being such a reliable source of material for us. We read in awe at the breathtaking nonsense often emanating from our elected panjandrums and their regulatory cohorts and enabling self-appointed policy elites. I’m so appreciative of the studied, surely serious, perhaps well meaning, ham handed and ultimately self-defeating efforts of our government to micromanage economic outcomes. We here at CrunchedCredit spend a fair amount of time talking to the aforesaid. The poverty of understanding about how financial markets work is really stunning. You have to admire the willingness of our government, marinated in hubris, to weigh in, chest out and chin high on so many issues above their intellectual fighting weight. So let me take this moment to just say thanks.
But, of course, what makes our life as card-carrying members of the commentariat good, makes the life of those trying to actually conduct business in this regulatory free fire zone excruciatingly difficult. Our job is calling B.S., sussing out the inanity, stripping away the syntactic chaff behind or within which much regulatory product is hidden and trying to provide some helpful guidance about how to deal with this increasingly complex world along the way. Not to diminish that getting our fiscal and monetary policy right is a deadly serious business, but we can’t help but find some humor in all this.
So, here it is – our Golden Turkey Awards for 2014.Continue Reading’s 5th Annual Golden Turkey Awards