Two weeks ago, As the World Turns – a CBS soap opera documenting the lives of the inhabitants of the fictional town of Oakdale, Illinois – ended a 54 year run on daytime television. A shorter-tenured, but nonetheless compelling, local epic aired this week as Boston Properties announced that it had emerged from a bidding war to secure the Bay Colony Corporate Center – perhaps the premier office campus in New England – for a price of approximately $185 million (inclusive of assumed debt). As a real estate finance attorney in Boston, it’s a property I have fielded a lot of calls about. And, although missing the ubiquitous case of amnesia, it’s a story that would have made the good people of Oakdale proud.
The story of Bay Colony, corporate center, begins with its construction (on the former site of a pig farm along the Cambridge reservoir) at the height of the tech bubble. Located along Boston’s Route 128 tech corridor, the site comprises almost a million square feet of space on 58 acres, with 3,000 parking spaces to accommodate a rent roll that has listed a who’s who of Hub-area tech, venture capital and telecomm tenants. In fact, the sheer number of resident venture firms over the years – Advanced Technology Ventures, Charles River Ventures, Cedar Fund, Ironside Ventures, JAFCO Ventures, Longworth Venture Partners, Matrix Partners, Northbridge Venture Partners and Polaris Ventures Partners, to name a few – contributed to the property’s legendary status among entrepreneurs looking for investment dollars. A single workday onsite could yield three pitches.Continue Reading Distressed Debt: Boston Properties Next Up At Bay Colony