May 2010

I can’t stand it. We now have skin in the game provisions proposed by the SEC, the FDIC, the House of Representatives and the United States Senate. 

On CNN the other day, Congressman Barney Frank said that the most important part of the House Financial Reform bill was skin in the game in securitization. Okay, I know we’re probably stuck with it and the world will not end. Capital formation will be modestly depressed and the geniuses on the Street will work overtime to mitigate the impact of all that excess capital sloshing around. But it pains me to give up the fight. Skin in the game is certainly an attractive slogan and, superficially, it makes a great deal of sense. But no one has really looked at the data.  The worst performing sector in the fixed income world was, without doubt, loans to developers, builders and the like. All of this lending activity was on book or, in the skin in the game parlance; the lenders had nothing but skin in the game.

Hello! Lehman failed. Bear failed. Merrill failed (more or less). The GSEs don’t even bear thinking about.   All of this carnage happened not because the institutions were brilliantly successful in laying off bad credit to dumb investors, but because they had skin in the game. In the CMBS sector, mortgage loan originators generally sold 100% of the risk of the loans they originated, and the sector is experiencing losses generally consistent or somewhat better than the performance of commercial real estate taken as a whole. Again, explain to me how skin in the game is going to fix this?Continue Reading Skin in the Game

CMBS 2.0 is coming, we hope (and pray). But boy, it’s taking its good time about it. Putting aside what our friends in Washington may or may not do to the structure of securitization, it’s remarkable to me how shy we in the industry (and its trade organizations) seem to be about putting a stake in the ground as to what CMBS 2.0 should look like. 

With CMBS 1.0, we built the airplane while flying it, so it’s hardly shocking that when tested, some things failed the stress test. On the other hand, we also did a great deal of fundamental work on an industry-wide basis in the early days, to make CMBS work. We created the IRP, the data dictionary and the like. Shouldn’t we do at least that much again?

Now that we’ve had a chance to observe the problems of CMBS 1.0 in the crucible of a wrenching recession, we seem mildly disinclined to take any dramatic action to address structural problems on an industry wide basis.Continue Reading CMBS 2.0